Social Justice Series

Through Social Justice Studies we conduct programs and produce publications that map complex and mutually-reinforcing systems of privilege and subordination in order to develop practical transformative strategies with local and hemispheric applications. In particular, Social Justice Studies events and efforts are focused on documenting and linking local the local particularities of systemic injustice in various American locales to the hemispheric (and global) patterns that they create or sustain.

These transnational and intersectional initiatives aim to build on the existing intellectual and institutional strengths of the UM faculty, to help incubate new collaborations and networks that cross disciplines to produce more effective social justice analyses and reforms, and to connect ongoing or new UM research to living communities and material realities, both in Florida and the United States, as well as across the Americas.

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5.4.2018  A UM symposium that examines how the fact of linguistic diversity challenges, enriches, empowers, and endangers democratic projects
12.12.2017. An interdisciplinary engagement of borders and migrations

10.30.2017. Innovations in community lawyering with transnational labor migrants