Lancet Commission on Gender-based Violence and Maltreatment of Young People

Felicia Knaul2-GBV Felicia Knaul2-GBV
Flavia Bustreo-01 GBV Flavia Bustreo-01 GBV
Alessandra Guedes-01 GBV Alessandra Guedes-01 GBV
Gabriela Ramos1-GBV Gabriela Ramos1-GBV
Joth Sigth-01 GBV Joth Sigth-01 GBV

Announced in December 2019 in The Lancet, the new commission will be led by Dr. Felicia Knaul and co-chaired by Flavia Bustreo, chair of the governance and nomination committee at The Partnership of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

The Lancet Commission on Gender-based Violence and Maltreatment of Young People will bring together leaders and experts from the areas of law, medicine, economics, health systems, artificial intelligence, children’s rights, and public policy. Dr. Knaul will lead a new Lancet Commission that will take a deep dive into the troubling topics of gender-based violence and maltreatment of young people, two areas with a dearth of study and understanding. The Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, tackles urgent topics to initiate debate, offer insight and explanation, and influence decision makers across the globe to improve health. 
