Barrett Prize

Accordion Group

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  • 2022 Barrett Prize Recipients

    Diego Ocampo - "The Role of Secondary Sexual Characters in Incipient Speciation in the Variable Seedeater, Sporophila corvina

    Maria V. Véliz  - "Silences in Performance Art: Liveness in the Americas in the 21st Century" 

  • 2021 Barrett Prize Recipients

    Liliane Lugo Herrera - “Mediated Archipelagos: Theater, Women and Media" 

  • 2020 Barrett Prize Recipients

    Rhoda K. Moise - “Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Haitian Women Living in South Florida and the Central Plateau of Haiti” 

    Honorable mention ~

    Lorella Di Gregorio - "The Global Journey of Mexican and Southern Italian Cultural Products in the Time of Flows"

    Belén Fadrique - “Bamboo and its role as a key modulator of the structure and functioning of Andean and Amazonian forests” 


  • 2019 Barrett Prize Recipient

    Johann Besserer - "NGOS and North/South Relations in Sustainable Development in the Galapagos Islands"

  • 2018 Barrett Prize Recipients

    Ashley Marchante-Hoffman - "Giving Voice to Foreign-Born Latinx Youth: Trauma and Health in Primary Care" 

    Johna E. Rudzin - "The Influence of the Amazon-Orinoco River Plume on Hurricane Intensity in the Caribbean Sea" 

  • 2017 Barrett Prize Recipient

    Diego Lugo - "Land Concentration and Land Grabbing in the Colombian Frontier"

  • 2016 Barrett Prize Recipient

    Amanda Hintzen - "A Sugarcane Immigration Status: The History of Statelessness in the Dominican Republic"
