Help the victims of Guatamala's Fuego Volcano

Image courtesy of Conred Guatemala
Image courtesy of Conred Guatemala
Image courtesy of Conred Guatemala
Image courtesy of Conred Guatemala

The sudden eruption of Guatemala's Fuego Volcano continues to have a devastating impact on it's population. "The Central American country’s disaster and forensic agency Inacif on Wednesday afternoon raised the death toll to at least 99, up from 85," Reuters reported on June 6th. Millions are affected and have been displaced and need help.

Want to help? There are reputable organizations that are collecting donations in order to help those affected by this natural disaster. PBS.Org recommends the following organizations:
  • GoFundMe has put together a list of  verified campaigns  that are directing aid those directly impacted by the volcano as well as relief efforts.
  • The Red Cross is on the ground in Guatemala. Efforts there are being led by CruzRojaGT, the Guatemalan arm of the organization. It’s accepting monetary donations via money transfer. The organization is also seeking blood donations and specific good donations like latex gloves, diapers and soap from those in Guatemala.
  • The Miguel Vargas Association is accepting donations to aid with recovery, specifically to help with medical assistance and supplies.
  • Rotary Club of Guatemala is accepting donations via wire transfer.
  • If you are in Guatemala, Uber will drive to you to collect donations of goods for those impacted by the volcano.
  • The God’s Child Project has launched a “massive relief effort.” Donate online or by mail; the organization’s donors are matching the gifts they receive.
  • The Catholic Relief Services is accepting donations as it works with local churches in Guatemala to help families who have had to evacuate.
  • World Vision is providing food and water to shelters housing those who had to leave their homes.
  • In addition to monetary donations and goods, you can raise awareness on social media. The hashtags #PrayForGuatemala and #GuatemalaEstoyContigo have helped bring more attention to the devastation the volcano has caused.


Conred Guatemala (Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres de Guatemala. Mitigación, Preparación, Respuesta y Recuperación) is the public agency involved with relief and rescue efforts. Follow them on twitter for the latest information. 

American travelers should reach out to the US Embassy in Guatemala for evacuation information. 

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